It is amazing how years can go by not knowing that you have believed
a lie. How can I not of seen it? Once the truth shines its ever so bright light
on a lie it is so wonderful and freeing. God has done that for me in the past
week and half.
I have since childhood believed a lie that I am ineffective.
What I felt I was ineffective in doing would change. When I was younger I
believed that I wasn’t a good enough child to my parents, good enough student,
good enough Christian. Later years to the present I kept believing at certain times that I could
not be a good enough mom, wife, friend, and teacher. I was always trying to be
perfect to show I was effective. Problem…I was “trying” in my power while still
believing a lie. I wanted to be Christ like in all those areas, while believing
that I am ineffective or to put it in another term…I will never measure up.
When I “got it wrong” I got frustrated, down, and overwhelmed. Take is from me
when you are in those times of believing a lie you won’t be as effective as God
could use you! Also instead of getting down in the dumps, frustrated, and
overwhelmed during those times that I am not perfect I need to stop and see
what I need to learn from it. Face those times with joy that God is trying to
teach me something because He love ME!

God is so good. I feel free and have unspeakable joy! God is
my teacher and yes I am not perfect and will fall down, but I will get up and
run again for that prize, but in God’s strength!
If you read this Blog because of your interest in our
adoption you may ask, “What has all this have to do with adoption?” EVERYTHING!
The children that you bring into your home I would make a guess that
99.9999999% of them were born into a home full of lies, deceit, and fears. All
of those are not from God. They are
going to come with generational sins (whether an infant or grown)…Pray for God
to wipe those clean! You have the job to clean yourself of lies so you
can be “effective” in helping them see what lies they believe! I feel like I
have a renewed vision on how to help ALL of my children!
Just to clear up one thing: according to the world many
struggle with “self-esteem” The Bible teaches us that our self-esteem comes
through Christ alone and His Word is ALIVE!
Thank you Jesus for you Word and using us an imperfect people
to be effective for YOU!