Thursday, March 28, 2013

Do I have an Eternal Perspective?

Notes have been sent home saying our child needs to focus. I laugh because that is a struggle at home too. Every day we must teach over and over things like brushing hair, putting away clothes, making a bed, and how to shower. Some nights I want to shout, “Don’t you get it yet; rinse your hair before you get out of the shower!” I do not, but I have an irritated demeanor. My look, my nonverbal communication says it all. I walk away after putting child to bed with a sigh and then I go focus on my next task at hand.

Yet tonight it hits me like a ton of bricks. When I am so irritated with this child for lack of focusing, I’m doing the same thing…not focusing. What!? Yes, I am not focusing on an eternal perspective. I am so easily distracted by the cares, concerns, business, and rushing of my day to even begin to have the eternal viewpoint always in front of me! The times I do it is amazing. I respond in love and peace. I shower grace and don’t lose my cool. I feel calm and joyful. Grace. What a beautiful word!

Yep I need some of that grace myself! My Lord helps me to keep an eternal perspective at all times and to respond with grace and love. AMEN

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