All of a sudden my child that God gave to me, not from my womb,
but from my wanting to obey my God looked totally adorable. I was washed with
complete awe of God’s love for me to bless ME with children both biological and
adopted. Why did he choose imperfect me? I am so unworthy. I can tell you I
have grown more and quicker than ever in my spiritual walk since our adoption,
but I am still oh so selfish. God has made it name is MOM!
Then you have those days that you really just plain hard.
Those days that your 6 year old waits until you turn your eyes away to do what
you just told her “no!” You love her, but you must be firm in her discipline. Balancing
love and firmness some days is a challenge; especially when it happens over and
over again. One thing that many do not understand is that discipline for a
child from hard places verses a biological child takes much more work and a lot
of mental effort. They need to know they cannot control you, must ask not tell.
So much of our days are dealing with those little signs of manipulation.
Granted they are getting in less frequency, but they must be dealt with immediately
or those little signs become big signs. Those are the days that I would like to
change my name. Those are the days I cry from physical and mental exhaustion.
Those are the days that I cry out to God and He comforts me and sometimes sends
me a friend going through the same thing.
Today was one of those days. This week has been interesting
to say it nicely with Beth. This morning I got an e-mail from a dear friend who
has adopted also. I discovered our week has been almost the same and yes I wish
she didn’t have to go through it, but man does it encourage me to know I am not
alone. Together we can sharpen one another. Together we can encourage one
another when others just don’t get why we have to face every battle full on. Together
we can remind each other of the blessing to be called MOM!
Thank you God for friends and being called MOM!
I needed this today. Thank you friend!!!