Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My thoughts...

I have never been a play-it-safe or timid kind of person. I jump right into something and get-r-done. However, yesterday morning during my Bible time I realized something. I always thought I was that way with my faith, however.... In an earthly sense I am, but comparing it to God's spiritual sense I am or have not been. WQhen God has laid it upon my heart to take a step in faith I do, but a step then I had two or three. I PLAN ahead. Yes I am a planner. I have a course of action all the time. Problem is God did not give me that second or third step when He told me to take that step. That was my own desire not His. 

I want to have that Resurrection faith, the faith that says, "Lord I am taking that step you have asked me to." ...then I WAIT! Wait for Him to guide me in the next step. I have done this on occasions and have been blessed, but many times I get too antsy and jump the gun. That is when the frustration in my circumstance starts. Starting today, right now Lord, I submit fully to listening and waiting for your voice. To follow in your footsteps. To turn to you before I step.

How does this effect my life? There are many areas as a parent and wife. Right now it has affected my home-school all year long. Why did it take me so long to learn?! Re-focusing is happening today. Starting today I wait...with anticipation!!

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