Sunday, April 15, 2012

By the Grace of God go I

 I would like to share my thoughts with you today. 
It is amazing any more how time just flies by. It always reminds me of the song SOON by Hillsong that goes, “Soon and very soon. I will be with the One I love.” This gives me a sense of urgency. I want to always be alert to the fact that my time here on earth is short. Am I using my time wisely? What are my concerns in this life that I am focusing on? How much of an impact am I making in those around me? Can you even measure those things?
Yesterday Joe and I were talking about the changes all six of our children have gone through lately. Not just physical changes, but emotional and spiritual too. All those questions above were not in my mind at the time. Our three birth children are maturing before our eyes. We can see ever so slightly the transition from our faith to their faith. In other words they are owning their faith more and more. I see compassion for others coming from them and desire to see people come to a realization of their sins. What is really exciting is I am seeing a deeper bond with us as a family that is starting to unify us for the glory of God.
The bond as a whole family has impacted all of us. Beth is finally bonding with me! It has taken a lot of hard work to start seeing some fruit. I had to choose to love when it was really hard to love. Through those times she kept pushing me and pushing me away. Every time I got close reaching her emotionally she would push me away with a behavior to be honest was Ugly. We still has a way to go, but we are getting there one step at a time.
So back to how I started this post. Can we measure? I think changes are a good way of measuring…small and big. I could throw away all these changes and fuzzy feeling in the dump if God is not the author of these changes. God gets all the glory for any of these. We are in a battle even during these seemingly peaceful times. Satan is lurking, wanting to get our focus off of God because he knows that song is true above. What impact can we make here on earth before we are gone?  I look forward to falling at the feet of my savior, but I want to be able to look Him in the eye too!
Let us spread the good news of the gospel to everyone we meet. Be bold! Love mercy and seek justice! I want to start here to train up my little soldiers to be mighty warriors for God. I need to make sure my training manual is being used and my kids know why they are here for a short time on this earth. By the grace of God go I …how about you?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My thoughts...

I have never been a play-it-safe or timid kind of person. I jump right into something and get-r-done. However, yesterday morning during my Bible time I realized something. I always thought I was that way with my faith, however.... In an earthly sense I am, but comparing it to God's spiritual sense I am or have not been. WQhen God has laid it upon my heart to take a step in faith I do, but a step then I had two or three. I PLAN ahead. Yes I am a planner. I have a course of action all the time. Problem is God did not give me that second or third step when He told me to take that step. That was my own desire not His. 

I want to have that Resurrection faith, the faith that says, "Lord I am taking that step you have asked me to." ...then I WAIT! Wait for Him to guide me in the next step. I have done this on occasions and have been blessed, but many times I get too antsy and jump the gun. That is when the frustration in my circumstance starts. Starting today, right now Lord, I submit fully to listening and waiting for your voice. To follow in your footsteps. To turn to you before I step.

How does this effect my life? There are many areas as a parent and wife. Right now it has affected my home-school all year long. Why did it take me so long to learn?! Re-focusing is happening today. Starting today I wait...with anticipation!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Lessons From a Little Tooth

I am so blessed to have a man to remind me to not take things personal. Today we had a great day doing school. All four of the younger crew really worked hard at doing school and letting others learn while I taught.  Then the day got really interesting. I was doing the last subject with Beth when I saw something odd with her mouth. I looked in her mouth and discovered a tooth missing and it had been gone for a while because the gum was healed. I asked her about it and she got silent. When she finally spoke she could not remember when it fell out, but she knew it was in the trash in her room. I hid my shock and how annoyed I was as much as I could. Yes, she had been told that her teeth would come out some day so why would she not tell me?
I went and called my man for advice. He graciously reminded me of the 4 year past before we were blessed with her. She was in fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what I would do. Fear that her tooth would never come back. FEAR! It is still an automatic response for her. Trust is coming, but it is slow coming. The exciting thing in all of this is what followed! Beth and I had an amazing talk! She realizes now that she does not have to be alone or be in fear. Trust will come. I know I will have to remind her many more times, but this is one more step forward! Beth’s response to our talk was excitement and pure joy. We celebrated and as I type this she is trying really hard to fall asleep so the tooth fairy will come…yes she knows it is mommy!

This brings me to what I reinforced in my mind today. What should be our response to this verse? "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 ESV

We should have the same response that Beth had, excitement and joy. Worshipful joy! Along with that we should celebrate! We do not need to fear because God...wait a minute I am talking about GOD, the Mighty One, the King of kings will NOT leave you or even me! Our Father is the perfect example for us as parents. All this over a little lost tooth!