It is amazing any more how time just flies by. It always
reminds me of the song SOON by Hillsong that goes, “Soon
and very soon. I will be with the One I love.” This gives me a sense of
urgency. I want to always be alert to the fact that my time here on earth is
short. Am I using my time wisely? What are my concerns in this life that I am
focusing on? How much of an impact am I making in those around me? Can you even
measure those things?
Yesterday Joe and I were talking about the changes all six
of our children have gone through lately. Not just physical changes, but
emotional and spiritual too. All those questions above were not in my mind at
the time. Our three birth children are maturing before our eyes. We can see
ever so slightly the transition from our faith to their faith. In other words
they are owning their faith more and more. I see compassion for others coming
from them and desire to see people come to a realization of their sins. What is
really exciting is I am seeing a deeper bond with us as a family that is
starting to unify us for the glory of God.
The bond as a whole family has impacted all of us. Beth is
finally bonding with me! It has taken a lot of hard work to start seeing some
fruit. I had to choose to love when it was really hard to love. Through those
times she kept pushing me and pushing me away. Every time I got close reaching
her emotionally she would push me away with a behavior to be honest was Ugly.
We still has a way to go, but we are getting there one step at a time.
So back to how I started this post. Can we measure? I think
changes are a good way of measuring…small and big. I could throw away all these
changes and fuzzy feeling in the dump if God is not the author of these
changes. God gets all the glory for any of these. We are in a battle even
during these seemingly peaceful times. Satan is lurking, wanting to get our
focus off of God because he knows that song is true above. What impact can we
make here on earth before we are gone? I
look forward to falling at the feet of my savior, but I want to be able to look
Him in the eye too!
Let us spread the good news of the gospel to everyone we
meet. Be bold! Love mercy and seek justice! I want to start here to train up my
little soldiers to be mighty warriors for God. I need to make sure my training
manual is being used and my kids know why they are here for a short time on
this earth. By the grace of God go I …how about you?