Friday, August 31, 2012

View of Adoption from 6 and 4 year olds

So yesterday was Wesley's 2nd year Gotcha Day. Hard to believe it has been two years. All three children are growing up quickly and we are all molding together as a family better each day. I decided to ask David and Beth some questions today to see what their point of view on being a Myers. Wesley still is not talking much so I could not ask him. Enjoy!

I asked Beth these questions:
Me: "What do you like about being adopted?"
Beth: "I like that we get to be a family together. I like sharing a room with my sister and sometimes getting to sleep with her. I like having a house and our new play house outside."
Me: "What do you not like about being adopted?"
Beth: "I like being adopted, it's fun."
Me: "What is fun about it?"
Beth: "I get to play with my brothers and live in our house."
Me: "What makes you happy?"
Beth: "Sharing a room with Hannah."
Me: "What makes you sad?"
Beth: "When I have to go in time out or go to sleep early, because I disobeyed or when I don't get to play with our new playhouse."

I asked David these questions: (keeping a straight face was hard!)
Me: "What do you like about being in this family?"
David: "It is awesome and I like this family. It is so good and God said it is good and He loves us and died for our sins. This world is for God."
Me: "What makes you happy?"
David: "A toy, my brother, sisters, bed, a horse, Winn-a-Pooh, lion, Puffle, Mommy and Daddy."
Me: "What makes you sad?"
David: "When my brother takes my toy and hits me. When daddy is gone to work. When I have a bad dream. When you and Sarah were gone, it made me so sad." That last part was said in a very sad tone.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bring It On!

What a month! Crazy how time flies and we are now back at school and back into a routine. Ok well kind of into a routine. I have learned so much from my Father this month and have been stretched more than I have wanted at times.
One area of stretching has been in homeschooling. Sarah and I went on an awesome mission trip the first week and ½ in August. We returned and two days later we started back into school. To say the least I have not enjoyed it. It is really challenging to keep little ones quiet while teaching older children Algebra then suddenly switch gears to teach colors or addition. Did I say I am being stretched?
I have had to go to the basics. Why do I teach my children? Why am I not enjoying schooling my children? First my children need a Biblical view of this world. God created the world and everything in it so who better to learn from! Having a Biblical worldview will give them tools to grow. If they embrace the truths joy will be in their future. They will have struggles in this life so if I can teach them how to have peace and joy in them what better gift can a mom give her children?
This brings me to why I am not enjoying homeschooling. I have not given my struggles up to God and sought His wisdom. Wait, did I just admit that out loud? Struggles are inevitable. To make it even more complex is that homeschooling is not an easy road to take, just like being a parent! Some days you wonder if you can look at your children for another second without wanting to cry, scream, and run away. Struggles come. Some struggles are every second of a day and NOTHING gets done like you want. I have had days that every time I turn around someone is in timeout and another I am talking to about behavior…kind of like those revolving doors…I want to get out of those doors!!!!
God is NOT surprised by what is going on. In fact reminding myself, I live in an imperfect world with imperfect children who have an imperfect mom keeps me in the right mind. I want more than this world has to offer! I want to not lose control. I want a peace that surpasses all understanding. When I approach my struggles seeking to see what God is trying to teach me or my children I have that peace.  God loves me and knows what I and my children need to become people of righteousness. We are only here for a short time and in eternity we will have NO struggles. If we must go through struggles to learn how to become people who God will say “Well done, good and faithful servant!” then bring them on! That end result is worth it all.